Last update: February 16, 2025
Notice: Links to Zoom worship, announcements and other communications are sent to the ACPC Listserver. If you are not on the ACPC parishioners Listserver, please email
ACPC Office Civic Address: 8 Denoon St., Pictou
Mail: P.O. Box 490 Pictou, N.S. B0K 1H0
Office Manager: Susan Hislop
ACPC Office Phone: 902-485-9322 Hrs: M-W 9-1,Th 10-1
Annual General Meetings:
St Bees’: February 2
Christ Church: February 9
St James’: February 16
ACPC: March 11, 7:00pm via Zoom
For more information contact Loretta Armsworthy or Deborah Beck
Our study on the movie Chosen is held at the Seniors Recreation Bldg on Leo Fahey Way on Tuesdays at 6 pm . We expect lively conversation following around 30 minutes of movie per week. We will have tea and coffee and perhaps a cookie or two. This is a weekly event to be held at the same time each week . Bring a friend. Or even better bring a stranger.
ACPC Council Meetings:Usually 3rd Tuesday of every 2nd month. Next meeting : TBA
Wardens Meetings will normally be held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Next meeting TBA
Licensed Lay Minister Meetings The next meeting will be held on TBA
Parish Council Meetings:
Christ Church: 2nd Monday of every 2nd Month. Next Meeting Jan 13 via Zoom
St Bees’: TBA